Let’s Engage In Trash Talk

My family and I spent the 4th of July weekend enjoying all that nature has to offer. It’s humbling to be out in nature surrounded by majestic trees, big boulders and different bodies of water. It forces me to be in the present and to appreciate everything nature has to offer. The earth is indeed a beautiful place and its natural beauty is something we all enjoy and should always cherish. Unfortunately, as part of the landscape there was A LOT of litter…in the river, on the side of the highway, and in different campgrounds. Ironically, we are in a severe drought in California, yet we are drowning in litter. Being outdoors induces a great desire in me to protect our natural resources even more because as splendid as it is, our mother earth is being depleted and polluted and drastically needs our help and protection. 

While we were out exploring, I noticed that a lot of the trash pertained to big brand names belonging to sodas, water bottles, cigarettes, beers, chips, and even diapers, plus non-branded products like foam cups and plastic bags. Everywhere I looked, there were fire danger warning signs even water safety signs but not one highlighting the dangers of littering. We picked up as much trash as we could and while we were doing this it occurred to me that it would be great if these same brands that spend a lot of advertising dollars selling their products would run parallel outreach efforts to raise awareness and provide incentives or solutions to the staggering litter problem we have and the devastating effects it has on nature and wildlife. These types of community outreach initiatives should prevail during the summer months, when people are outdoors consuming products. Plus technology has made it easier to reach them using location based targeting, even in faraway, remote destinations. Real solutions will occur when it becomes a joint effort on behalf of those that use the products as well as those that sell them.  

I know many brands support social causes and participate in community engagement initiatives, yet too many keep these stories in silos, hidden within a website menu, or perhaps a press release here or there.  I say, let the world know. Shout it out in your advertising! Let consumers know you care and will meet them halfway.

Building your brand essence on a greater purpose, beyond selling your product, will make you stand out from the rest while assuring us that we are spending our money where it really matters…all while helping preserve our planet for the long haul…so our kids and their kids can enjoy a beautiful and clean environment for generations to come.


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