What You Don’t Know Can Hurt You Mr. Trump

The scandal with Donald Trump over his derogatory statements over Mexican immigrants has made me wonder where he is getting his information. To have a man, with such financial power, blatantly stating barbarities is a scary thing. Fortunately for us, he isn’t taken seriously and the scandal itself has brought positive attention to Latinos in the U.S. and united us all in defiance of such unjust and offensive views.

Unfortunately for Donald Trump, what he doesn’t know will hurt him and will inevitably end up hurting him more, financially and personally.

I’m proud to see companies like Univision and NBC, as well as influential Latino leaders and celebrities standing up for the honor of Latinos. Plus, Latinos with different backgrounds from all over the U.S. have united with a collective voice to express their disdain and disapproval of this public figure causing so much damage with his words. It is wrong to make generalizations and stereotype a group of people who have mostly, positively contributed to society. If he paid closer attention and opened his heart a bit, he might be surprised to learn a few things:

Most immigrants come to this country for an opportunity at a better life for their families. Imagine leaving your loved ones behind, and everything that you know to embark on a journey that does not guarantee success - a new country, a new language, no network of support and oftentimes being discriminated against, while working for close to nothing. That is bravery. Immigrants are survivors and engage in grueling efforts to move ahead in life. And despite it all, they are optimistic and never lose hope. They are honest people with good intentions and contribute to society just as much as the rest.

Immigrants from all of Latin America not only take the jobs no one else want, they create jobs, and they enrich the U.S. culture. Latinos are entrepreneurs and when people move to a new country, they encounter a different culture and see things in new ways. They take the best from both cultures and create useful things and ideas. Latino immigration has enriched our country, our food, our music, our fashion, our media and our day-to-day living.

As the daughter of Latin American immigrants, I have witnessed first hand the sacrifice and devotion, the ups and downs, the hardships, the look of pride in my parents eyes seeing their daughters “make it” and their grandkids moving in the same direction. The look in their eyes and the smile on their face says it was all worth it.

We are a nation of immigrants and nothing will stop us, not even Mr. Trump’s disrespectful comments. We are a titan force to be reckoned with and we will be heard…


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