Non-Traditional Ways for Brands to Conquer the Hearts of Moms

We live in a society where consumers are faced with advertising messages left and right and standing out in that environment can be challenging. That is why, in my career as a strategic planner, I’m always on the lookout for concepts and ideas that offer different ways to approach and market to consumers. Although the goal of advertising is to sell a product or service, I love it when an advertiser conducts under the radar initiatives that are meaningful and helpful, and ultimately empower the consumer.

I recently read about a university professor who allows his students to bring their children to class if they cannot find child-care. At one point, a student’s baby started crying during class, as the mom began gathering her things to leave, what the professor did was perfect. He stepped in, calmed the baby down, and continued teaching his class while holding the baby in his arms. The baby was distracted and at ease, and the mother could now concentrate on the lecture. Everyone was happy and student moms simply love this professor for being so accommodating and understanding.

Life can be hectic for moms juggling kids and work, and going back to school must feel daunting. What this professor did is simply amazing; he is family centered and willing to help parents get a higher education. While this is not the ideal situation in a learning environment, this makes me wonder why all colleges and universities don’t offer affordable child-care on site, like gyms do. Child-care services are a critical resource that would help alleviate some of the stress student moms face every day.  Imagine a brand that supported this cause and sponsored this type of initiative? The implications would be great. The brand would establish itself in the hearts of moms by focusing on their needs thus creating a strong affinity to the brand.

Many great brands dedicate a flurry of advertising to moms since they are the gatekeepers of the household and they buy everything for everybody. But because caring and nurturing are some of her strongest values, I encourage brands to take their marketing efforts to a deeper level of engagement and commitment and consider taking part in these types of themes and initiatives to gain customer loyalty. The opportunities are limitless. Not only will the brand have the opportunity to thrive in a non-traditional manner, they will also stand out from the rest, and most importantly they will be making a real difference in the lives of people…


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