Ad Life BC…Ad Life AC
Historians have their own observations about life
BC and life AC, and I have my own version as a strategic planner in
advertising. Ad life BC and AC - that’s before children and after
children, in case you’re wondering.
life BC…total freedom at my disposal, working late into the wee hours on a new
business pitch or client deadline, going out after work with childless
co-workers for drinks, and living it up. Fast-forward to Ad life AC, and most
of my time is spent like a mouse running endlessly on a wheel, balancing
multiple projects and needs. No small feat for sure, but one that I have taken
on and determined to be the best at. I have always been a dedicated, hard working
professional, but after children, I have had to change my style and redefine my
goals and path to success. Although children do change you, I am still me, but
I am a different version of myself. Being a mom in the advertising world means
having two demanding but incredibly fulfilling full time jobs.
life is notoriously known for its grueling hours, constant meetings, client
presentations, tight deadlines, and high demands. Ironically, mom life is known
for many of the same things. We’ve got
the grueling hours, 24/7 as a matter of fact, the countless meetings in the
form of afterschool activities and special presentations like birthday
celebrations, holiday performances, and so on. The deadlines are ever present, with
school letting out at 2:23 (why not 2:30?), swim practice, piano practice,
homework, mealtime, bathtime, etc. And the demands, well the demands come in
all shapes and sizes at every hour of the day and night, so no arguing there.
question is, can you be a hands on mom AND have a great advertising career? I think
so. I’ve learned to prioritize and be much more efficient with my time.
Technology and the rise of resources is changing the traditional model of 9-5
in the office, plus it helps that the discipline I work in allows for ample
solo work. Finally, having a husband that wants to be very hands on too and
working for a company that has a supportive culture for families makes it all
the much more possible.
are some other steps that have helped me balance both worlds:
o Making
the most use of my hours both at work and with my kids;
o Respecting
the flexibility - being present for all important meetings and events;
o Knowing
it take a village. Ask for help and you shall receive;
o Having
a flexible attitude and being willing to switch at a moments notice - whether
it’s work at home or home at work;
o Self-nurturing
in the form of exercising to give me the energy to keep going;
o A
big sense of humor and a lot of deep breaths;
o Putting
everything into perspective – it will not always be this way. One day the kids
will leave home and I will find myself with all the time in the world.
am fully raising my children and successfully participating in the working
world. I hope, along with many other moms doing the same, to redefine a new
normal. I believe I am a better mom because I work and I am a better strategic
planner because I am a mom…onward and upward!
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