Move Over Millennials, Generation Z is Stepping Up

The focus right now (and for the last several years) has been on Millennials – who they are, what they like, what they think, how they consume media, what they eat, and other assortments of interesting data about them. The Gen Y Millennial population is a powerful demographic cohort of around 80M with tremendous spending power. But as a marketer and a strategic planner, I realize that it’s also important to pay attention to the next generation and the impact they will have in all aspects of life including the marketing world. 

Generation Z (still an unnamed generation) represents those born after 2000.  Having two young members of Gen Z’ers in my house, it is quickly becoming my favorite topic and I can guarantee you that I will become an expert in no time.

I have a 10-year old son who I believe represents the epitome of Gen Z and everything they will become. He is bilingual and bicultural and has a large circle of friends with diverse backgrounds. I’m always staggered by how much he and his friends know, how observant they are, how solutions oriented they are, how creatively they think, and how socially and environmentally aware they are. Who needs tech support when you are surrounded by these whiz kids? Anytime I have issues with my iPhone for example, I turn to my son and he usually fixes it, if he can’t, he’ll text a friend and between them, they figure it out. What really blows me away is their tendency to be autodidacts or their desire to be. As a mom, it brings me great pride to see how my son is compelled to learn for himself how things work or how to create something new. In his mind, if it doesn’t exist, than he can create it or will one day. He is already talking about wanting to become an expert coder and an engineer one day. They are curious and driven and able to look at the big picture in a way I never did as a child…definitely a sign of the digital world they were born into where information is readily available and options are limitless.

As they have not entered adulthood, we don’t yet know the full extent of the impact they will have, but be assured that they will be an audience with a whole different set of rules of how to best reach and engage with them. Marketers cannot bank of what works with Millennials today. This audience will be a lot more about micro media messaging. As marketers, it is our job to keep up with them, to be aware and understand where they’re coming from, their behaviors, their attitudes, and their aspirations in order to one day, connect with them in a meaningful way.

Finally, I’m curious to see what name will be applied to this group. I can think of many suitable ones – the “Fast & Furious” Generation, “I Can Do This” Generation, the “There’s No Stopping Me” Generation”, the “Question Everything” Generation, maybe even the “Transformer” Generation.  Regardless what name they are given, IMHO, they will certainly be a force to be reckoned with and one that will make this world a better place…

What name would you give them?


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