Things Only Latinos Can Truly Understand

Not too long ago my husband and I attended a party held for all the parents of our son’s classroom. Although we knew some parents from pick up and drop off, this was an opportunity to get to know everyone better. The get together started at 4:30 p.m. which in our Hispanic clock meant more like 5:30 p.m. Once we arrived, the party was in full mode of course, and we quickly realized that we were the only Latino couple there. Fast track a few hours later and my husband has taken control of the music situation and is blasting música Latina which takes him into full Spanish mode. At that point, he says to me, “¿Gorda, bailamaos?” to which the lady right next to me responds, “did he just call you fat?” “No...well, I mean yes, but it’s all good.” Blank stare. “It’s a term of endearment….really!” All this got me thinking how there are so many things we do and say that are uniquely Latino, and that our Non-Latino friends may either not understand or find completel...