Is Privacy a Lost Cause?

Corbis image Imagine yourself in a room with eyes on the walls - your every thought, action and move observed and scrutinized. I know it sounds creepy but that is sort of the world we live in nowadays. With an increase in consumer tracking methods and GPS everywhere, privacy is really hard to come by these days. Stats reveal that privacy is a top concern for consumers and something they strive for, yet the irony is that most consumers (me included) knowingly or unknowingly partake in things that make privacy a thing of the past. We buy products and services online, we download a million apps, we share our stories and pictures on social media, we sign up for grocery deliveries, we visit all kinds of websites, we research travel destinations, health issues, watch online shows, we wear or carry mobile devices that track our every move, our every step, and our given location. Google knows it all. We’re generously feeding information into the digital w...