What is Hispanic Marketing Nowadays?

The Latino community in the U.S. is more diverse than ever. Take my niece Nicole who was born in the U.S. but is bicultural and bilingual. Throw her in a room full of Latinos and she is able to hold her own with all the jokes and innuendos, not to mention the music and dancing. Put her in a room full of Non-Hispanics and she’s just as comfortable and in her element. While she listens to some Spanish-language music, almost all of her media consumption is in English. My nephew Bryan, on the other hand, who was also born in the U.S., has gone through great lengths to retro-acculturate with his Hispanic roots. He proudly wears the colors of his motherland flag, speaks Spanish perfectly, follows his fĂștbol team religiously, drinks ‘mate’ every day, and consumes hours of Spanish language media from here and there. So what is Hispanic marketing nowadays with such diversity within our own community? This question sometimes keeps me up at night because it’s what I do for a living...