Childhood and Parenting…Then vs. Now

As a mom to a 10-year-old boy, I can’t help but think how different things were when I was his age in the 80’s. I am constantly taken aback by the generational differences in everyday things like attitude, food, entertainment, school, play, safety, health, and general well-being. I think we all agree that life was simpler then, which begs the question: has the proliferation of technology and all the advancements made parenting and childhood more complicated? I’m a Gen-X’er and proud of it. We didn’t have the iPads, the iPhones, the iAnythings. What we did have was the iSelf, nothing more, nothing less. We had to figure out what to do with ourselves. In my case, it was fervently finishing my homework after school so that I could get outside to play with my best friend until dinner-time. I had no one watching over me and we would literally wander off far from home…gasp! Those outings were basically the beacon of my childhood. At home, my mom was super doting, always making...