Christmas a lo Latino…a True Celebration of Diversity

There is no better time to be a Latino in the U.S. than during the holidays. Oh my, the food, the drinks, the different customs, the singing, the parties, all overloading my senses and filling my stomach and soul. Latino parties are big, loud and just keep going and going, sometimes until El Día de los Reyes Magos (The day of the Three Wise Men). Having family and friends from all over Latin America means that most of my weekends during December are booked solid. Being part of different holiday traditions, rituals, and customs is a true celebration of Latin American diversity. A Posada celebration one day, a Novena and villancicos the next, an Argentine asado with pan dulce another day, and a parranda Boricua style the next. In a span of just a few days, we go from a mix of Cumbia, Salsa, Tango, Bomba, Gaita, Plena, Son, Merengue and more…whoosh…no resting for us! While traditions vary from country to country, and even home-to-home, Christmas is t...