Can Latinos Help Solve the Water Crisis in California?

My mom grew up in a 20-acre farmland in “Las Pampas de Argentina”, and she often tells me stories about how my grandfather dug his own water well to retrieve water for his family and the household. At barely 5 years old, my mom says she remembers pumping water to take inside for her baths. If you wanted water, she said, you had to work hard at getting it. Every drop mattered, nothing went to waste. In the face of California’s severe drought, it was alarming to see the latest survey findings by ThinkNow Research indicating that Latinos in California lag in awareness of drought mandated water reduction. In our fourth year of a crippling drought, Governor Brown issued mandatory water cutback across the state that were put into effect on June 1, 2015. According to this survey, while 79% of Latinos have “heard” about the mandatory water reductions, only a mere 16% knew that the reduction in water use is by 25% for California cities. Latinos in the state are also “less likely...